Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blogger Challenge: Day 1

Day Numero Uno: A Picture and Fifteen Facts about Me?

1. I dyed my hair about 2 weeks ago. I like it.
2. At my apartment there's this blue mug that I've pretty much claimed. I always drink out of it. It's not even mine.
3. I generally like people, yet I have a hard time getting to know them. My two best friends came into my life when I needed them most and I don't know where I'd be without them.
4. I think my mom is pretty rad. She can do anything.
5. The only meal I'm pretty pro at cooking that isn't cereal, macaroni and cheese, or ramen noodles, is fettucini alfredo with chicken.
6. Also...I'm pro at making cupcakes.
7. I have 2 sisters and a brother. All older.
8. I'm a student. Utah State. Men's basketball is quite great. I love pretending I understand sports :)
9. I'm an Office and Biggest Loser addict. And Gilmore Girls now that my roommates have exposed me to its glory.
10. My phone is ghetto looking. But I like it.
11. If I don't tell you I'm angry with you, don't expect me to hold it against you. I pick my battles.
12. I maybe have picked my major. I'll know more next semester...or maybe in two semesters when the classes I want to take next semester are over...
13. My classes this semester are not very interesting.
14. I almost always see the clock at 12:34. Maybe I just look at the time too often.
15. I hiccup 7,000 times a day. Usually in increments of 1, 2, or 3

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