Wednesday, May 29, 2013

i really suck at blogging.

The title pretty much says it all.

I feel like I have so much to say, yet am unable to find the words.  And when I can find the words I don't want to take the risk and be vulnerable.  I know only about three people even read what I write, and the funny thing is I trust these people with most of these feelings, but what holds me back is the potential of other people reading it.  So then I just keep the feelings bottled up.

Some of it is happy.  Some of it is sad.  Some of it is just me needing to vent.  Okay a lot of it lately is just me needing to vent.  And sometimes dwelling on the bad is easier than digging to find the good.

But there is good.  And that's a wonderful thing.  I know that I may not have the easiest life....but I sure as heck don't have the hardest.


  1. let it all out i say! haha that's what the blog world is for. if people judge you, they are just dumb. plus, i think as human girls we worry a lot more about how we act, sound, think, etc. than we really need to. anyway, i always like to read what you write :)

  2. Make a lifeblog just for you

  3. Don't worry. I've just been stalking you a bunch, ya know? haha! You don't suck at blogging! But there you go again! On the gratitude train and everything -- so much to be happy for. Thanks for being a wicked awesome example!


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