Friday, April 29, 2011


defeated. discouraged. depressed. disheartened.

Those words kind of describe how I've been feeling lately.  Now there are a lot of factors that could be contributing to these feelings.  There are quite a few that I can think of...but maybe they're not.  Maybe if those factors didn't exist I'd still be feeling this way.  I like blaming the factors though.  Here are a few....
  • I think I'm sick yet again.  Or maybe it's just allergies.
  • I move home a week from today.  I love my family...but I love Logan.  And living with people my age  {well at least the roommates I have now...who knows what fall will bring}  And I know I'll be back in 3 months....but still.  However...I won't miss hiking up the stairs to the 4th floor.  And probably won't miss the 10,000 trips to Walmart we make every week.
  • I have a 4-page, single-spaced paper due next week on a topic I'm just going to b.s.
  • I have 4 finals.  
  • Being the awkward third-wheel.  Again.
  • I don't want to start packing up 8 and a half months worth of stuff.
  • I'm a little tired of wedding fever {family, friends, high school people, and especially the Royal wedding....}  I'm happy for everyone...just sick of hearing about it every second
  • I pretty much failed my last test I took
But look at the bright side!
  • That test I failed?  It can be dropped if I do well on the final.  I did really well on the first three tests in that class so I'm hoping it will work out :)
  • Out of my 4 finals only 1 is cumulative
  • I get to see my family lots
  • Most of my roommates live within 10 or so minutes of my house...which is pretty awesome since I didn't know half of them existed before I came up here
  • My grandparents are letting me keep my school stuff in their basement which means I'll actually be able to function in my bedroom at home.
  • My bedroom at home is finally mine again.  It became a makeshift sewing room about a year and a half ago with different projects constantly coming up {youth conference outfits for the stake, bridesmaid dresses, wedding helper aprons, etc.}  Now it's not in my room anymore and I can actually see my floor, get to my closet, and so much more :)
  • Shayna got us an appointment to the temple.  And I had just renewed my temple recommend only like 2 or 3 weeks earlier.
  • Final day of institute - one of the slides had this quote from Boyd K. Packer
    • "Life moves all too fast. When you feel weak, discouraged, depressed, or afraid, open the Book of Mormon and read. Do not let too much time pass before reading a verse, a thought, or a chapter." {from this talk}
    • Pretty sure that was meant for I guess I should act on it.
  • We're partying tonight.  Except I don't care all that much for Sean Kingston...but I can pretend right?  Or maybe we'll decide to do something more fun :) Who knows?
  • Oh and Janie makes me laugh.  Read this.  I love her.
But now is the time to go to Firehouse and figure out how to spend the rest of the night!

Monday, April 25, 2011

my adorable family :)

my adorable family :)
{heather's even here!}
Dan and Eryka got their wedding pictures back from their photographer.  {photos courtesy of Valory Jean Photography}

Sorry, I'm making this next picture extra big (and running into the next column...) to make sure you can see all of our beautiful faces.  Mom and Dad....did you miss the memo?  I know you're capable of pulling faces.

the real clark family

Sunday, April 24, 2011

boredom = pictures + new hair

Sometimes I get bored.  Sometimes I play with my webcam.  Today was just one of those I took pictures with the setting that looks like I should be on 16 and Pregnant or Teen Mom or whatever show does it...I usually only watch them when Steph's picking...and I haven't lived at home for the past 9 or so needless to say I haven't watched them in a while.

I remember their teeth always looked camera wouldn't make them look as scary unfortunately...I tried though!

Taking pictures isn't complete unless you have a face like this thrown in there somewhere...

Hello.  My name is Kelly.  I'm 16 and pregnant.
{actually I'm 19 and not pregnant...and I have a kitchen full of chickens...}
Sometimes when I get bored I do something to my hair.  A few weeks ago I had Eryka redye it.  Today I decided I would go in and chop off a few inches.  {Thanks Lindz!}     

With school ending soon, I'm bound to get bored again.  Since I've cut and colored recently I'm not sure what I can do to it next...any ideas?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursdays


  • staring contests...."point!"
  • failing at making scrambled eggs...they tasted okay but they looked funny :(
  • getting ready for class ten minutes before I had to leave....I looked...well...super.
  • hearing "tampons smell like fireworks!" come out of a friend's mouth


  • ice blocking down Old Main
  • getting into ALL my classes without having to waitlist any of them!
  • flying on skycoaster
  • classes are over soon {awesome in the academic aspect...not so awesome in the social}

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

birthdays, ice blocking, fall

So yesterday was Katie and Kylee's birthday!  I have to admit they had a pretty awesome birthday.  Sarah made them a cake - in the shape of bacon!  {it's their favorite food}

Aren't they adorable?
So Katie has a pretty awesome uncle.  He does something (owns/manages/I'm not sure...?) with a pizza place.  So we got $70 worth of pizza {for free} and had a party.  Tony stole my camera and took some pictures...he's not a great picture taker.  Here are the two pictures that I approve of that he took.

Our festivities were pretty laid-back.  I think we only had the six of us + Aaron, Tyler, Seth, Carson, Tony, Kevin, and Garen come over.  And if I forgot some one I'm sorry.  We ate pizza and ice cream and bacon cake.  We kinda just sat around and talked and entertained ourselves.

So the guys across the hall play this game.  It's basically a staring contest.  They'll make direct eye contact with someone and whoever breaks it first gets a point.  Except no one keeps track.  Really it's just the satisfaction of winning.  Seth and I made direct eye contact and we knew the game was on.  I'm pretty sure he never loses whatever game he plays, so with this being said, I was determined to win.  I think this round lasted probably around 10 minutes is my best felt like forever.  I put forth a valiant effort, but alas, I failed.  I'm pretty sure he knows all my deepest, darkest secrets from staring into my soul.  But he hasn't said he must be a good secret keeper.

So after the party died down at our place, Tony got the brilliant idea to go ice blocking.  So we grabbed towels and ice blocks and headed to Old Main.

We were smart.  We avoided the trees.  It was a lot of fun.  Most people ended up falling off though.  I did pretty well and stayed on the majority of the time.  My last time down I biffed it pretty hard.  My neck is still a little sore...but it was worth it :)

But we couldn't ice block all night long...I had to get back by midnight.  No, I wasn't going to turn into a pumpkin...I had to register for classes for the fall.  17 credits.  A bit changed from here...but actually pretty close to the same.  I don't have to wake up for a 7:30 class :)  I registered for it...but then I decided having English at 3 would be better for my schedule...and for my sleep.

Tuesdays and Thursdays might kill me with the whole being on campus until 4:15...5 classes Tuesday and 4 Thursday...and they're long classes {75 minutes instead of 50}  But Monday and Wednesday I'll have 2 and Friday I'll have 1.  Glorious.

Hello "exploration" semester.  I can't wait to become acquainted with you.  You'll bring some much needed change {and maybe some unneeded change too...but it'll be okay} :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lagoon and Birthdays

***** summary:  weekend.  play at lagoon for cheap.  sleepover at kylee's.  celebrate several birthdays.  see below if you want to be bored with the details. *****

birthday week!  Happy 19 everyone!

So this weekend the roommates + Aaron + Tyler + Tony headed down to Farmington to play for the weekend.  As we were leaving Logan it was raining a lot and we were thinking our plans might get rained out...but we decided to go anyway.  What are our plans you may ask?  To play at Lagoon with $10 passes!

So I drive home and say hi to my mom since I hadn't seen her for a few weeks and pick up money for a parking pass....and well let's say I came home to an awesome surprise.  I'll wait to say what it is until I have a picture...but let's say I was shocked and think it's nothing short of a miracle.  Oh.  And I had a late graduation present on my bed from relatives.  That was a pretty awesome discovery too :)

But anyway, back to the weekend.  So we go play at Lagoon.  Seriously $10 is an awesome deal.

The weather was fabulous.  It wasn't raining.  It wasn't gray.  In fact, it was sunny and warm!  So glad I left my hoodie in the car.  There were no lines either!  Well, not bad anyway.  We got to ride pretty much every ride we wanted, some even multiple times.  I really believe whether or not you have fun at Lagoon depends on who you go with.  This group was a blast.

I also rode Skycoaster for the first time.  So glad Tony and Shayna went with me.  And that I didn't have to pull the cord that would send me to my death.  It was so high!  I was laughing the whole way up {my reaction when I'm scared}.  And then I screamed and laughed my whole way down.  But it was super fun and I would totally do it again.

So after our 4 hours at Lagoon were done we headed over to Kylee's house.  Scott, her dad, made us some delicious hamburgers {and I'm not even a hamburger person!}  And then we went outside to play basketball.  Let's just say I was awful and reached monkey first...but in my defense I started out with a letter since I joined a few shots in.  Plus it was all in fun!  Tyler made some insane shots.  At least 3 or 4 of them...if not more.  I have no idea how, but it was super fun to watch.

When it got too dark to play anymore we headed over to Yogurt Stop.

I pull into the parking lot...and I see a truck I recognize.  I was pretty excited.  As I'm walking up to the door I'm looking inside...and I'm not seeing the owners of said vehicle.  Then, I get inside and I see them getting their toppings, backs toward me.  I was going to yell at Dan...but changed my mind and yelled "Eryka!" instead.  So I stop and say hi to them and tell them I left some cookies back at my parents house for them.  And then I let them get back to their double date and I get my froyo.  The seven of us shove onto the two little couches and have a grand ol' time.

On our way back I swing by Sarah's so she can come join in on the fun.  We head back to Kylee's and we listen to her dad tell stories and eventually watch Taken.  Except I fell asleep...I was exhausted from little sleep the night before.

This brings us to Sunday!  Also, the kickoff of birthday week!

Sunday was Aaron's birthday.  It was filled with breakfast at Kylee's house, church in Logan, and spending time with his favorite girls across the hall {aka my room}.  Oh.  And a mid-life crisis.  Long story short.  He brought his brownie pan over {all edges} and he leaves for 45 minutes.  Seth gives us the idea to hide it so we do.  He comes back, asking if he had brought it over.  He goes back and digs through his apartment.  He comes back frustrated.  Katie puts it back in his room and he was pretty happy to find it...but not so happy with us.  It's more of a you-had-to-be-there.  He was pretty distressed about it.  I decided to be nice and make brownies for him.  It was his birthday after all.

He decides he wants to watch Hot Rod for his birthday.  We can't find it anywhere.  No one owns it.  Or it's loaned out.  We settle on playing games instead.  We always play card games haha.  This time around it was Mormon Bridge.  What Seth didn't let Aaron know was that he DID find Hot Rod.  So we keep playing our game....and finally Seth pulls out the case.  Aaron dove across the table.  He was so excited.  We convince him to go to ward prayer {raining once again.  lots of worms. see?} and then come back and watch it.  He was pretty much like a little kid on Christmas.  I forgot how funny this movie is.  It's pretty super.

And today is another birthday.  Actually, it's two birthdays.  Katie and Kylee!  Our apartment is decorated all cute.  Green and purple streamers everywhere.  And they both love Sarah made them a birthday the shape of bacon!  I would put a picture up...but they haven't seen it yet, so that'll have to wait until later.  And then it's Tyler's birthday Friday...and Carson's will be here the next week.

I better go find some motivation to do homework or something productive since I missed chemistry today.  The end of school is near which means finals are coming....

Monday, April 18, 2011

worms, rain, puddles, splashing, rainboots

So for the past forever it has been raining in Logan.  This means I get to wear my rainboots!

Oh how I love these things!  I get to walk through ginormous puddles in the road.  And when the puddles are ginormous they are super deep!  Love.  I also get to jump in puddles with them too!  I try to be courteous and not jump in them if other people are around me.  Somehow, today on campus I found an awesome puddle AND no one was around...or at least close enough to be splashed.  These are probably the best thing I've bought all year.  Look!  You can buy some here.  Or here are my spotty ones :)  Oh.  And buying the fleece liners are great too.  So much easier to stuff your jeans into and they're warm.

The rain is glorious!  So much better than snow.  It's not super cold outside.  It's not overly hot.  I get puddles to splash in.  I get to wear my rainboots.  But...with the rain comes something else....

So worms have never bothered me before.  I've seen them.  I bet I've even touched one (or more).  But for some reason last night and today they have really grossed me out.  They are everywhere.  Last night I was walking home from ward prayer, and if I remember right....they made me scream.  Well, not quite scream...but I wasn't too calm about it.  Maybe part of it had to do with my shoe coming off.  There are at least six+ on every square of sidewalk.  And even more in the cracks (that's where the smart ones live so their guts don't get splattered everywhere).

Talking about worms makes me think about this song:

Now you all know where dirt comes from!

Although rain makes worms come to play and messes up hair, it's a wonderful thing.  All the plants get water to help them grow.  I get puddles to jump in.  The sound of rain is beautiful, especially when it pours.  The air is nice and cool, but not cold.  Just make sure you have the right clothes and you're good to go!

As you can tell, I'm lovin' these April showers!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just In Case You Wanted a Little Taste of Heaven

Chocolate Mint Snow-Top Cookies.  Mmmm.  Delicious.

So today I finally used up the rest of the cookie dough in my freezer.  These are amazing.  Want to make them?  Click here.

So today I finally met with an advisor about my schedule.  I guess I'll listen to most of what she said and explore my options this fall.  I have two directions I might want to go and they don't relate to one another.  One is pretty straightforward and I could figure it out, plus most of what I've done should count I think.  But I'm more intrigued by the other direction.

I'm glad I have a friend who is willing to listen to me whine and complain.  I was talking to him and said how I just wish someone would tell me what to do with my life.  Ever since forever teachers and counselors have told me, "You can be whatever you want to be!"  No.  That's not the answer I want.  Today I got more of the same.  Sometimes I wish I didn't get the perfect grades so there would be an obvious area I excel at.  It's not good for me to have so many options.  I'm indecisive.  I tend to second guess myself.  I just end up feeling frustrated and that I'm wasting my (and others') time and money.

People say I don't have to have it all figured out now.  And I agree.  I don't.  Not now.  Not tomorrow.  But soon I will.  And what's the point of wasting all of this?  I feel like this semester has pretty much been a joke and really hasn't counted towards anything.  At least academic-wise.  I wouldn't change the social aspect of the last month or so for anything.

Next August will bring many changes - roommates, classes, friends {you dang missionaries!} and probably other aspects I can't imagine right now.  It might be hard to adjust, but I'll be able to do it.  And eventually, I'll be able to figure my life and school out.  Just not tonight.  And that's okay.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Chocolate Mint Snow-Top Cookies

Mmmm....look at these delicious cookies!  Okay the picture isn't the greatest...but I promise they taste amazing!  Wanna know how to make them?!  Keep reading...

Chocolate Mint Snow-Top Cookies
What you need!
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • One 10-oz package (1 1/2 cups) Nestle Toll House mint flavored semi-sweet chocolate morsels, divided
  • 6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • confectioners' sugar
Here's what you do!
     In bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt; set aside; Over hot (not boiling) water, melt 1 cup mint chocolate, stirring until smooth (Or, microwave morsels in bowl on high power 1 minute; stir.  Microwave on high power 30 seconds longer; stir until smooth)
     In bowl, beat butter and sugar until creamy.  Add melted mint morsels and vanilla.  Beat in eggs.  Gradually beat in flour mixture.  Stir in remaining 1/2 cup mint morsels.  Wrap dough in plastic wrap; freeze until firm.
     Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Shape dough into 1-inch balls; Coat with confectioners' sugar.  Place on ungreased cookie sheet.
     Bake 10-12 minutes, until tops appear cracked.  Let stand 5 minutes on cookie sheet.  Cool completely.  Makes 3 dozen.

Other Tips
*Scoop the dough while still pretty frozen and roll in powdered (confectioners') sugar and cook.  According to the "expert", this makes the cracking appearance look better.  I don't have enough experience to know for sure.
*You can make extra dough and keep it frozen for a while...then you can make cookies multiple times and only make the mess once!

And that's it!  Mmmm...delicious.  Share with EVERYBODY!  They will love you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Schedule Sudoku

Sometimes I feel like planning my schedule is like playing a game of sudoku.  Yeah.  I know that makes me sound like a nerd.  Lately I've been addicted to it, playing on my phone in between classes to kill time.  And tonight, as I was planning my schedule for fall semester, I started feeling like I was playing it again.  If I put a 9 here then I can't put a 9 there...if I take Intro to Elementary Ed at 9:00 then I can't take English 2010 at 9:00.  I'm like to use the little notes feature when I play on my phone to mark down my options of what it could be.  That's kinda how all my post it notes are working.  I wrote down all possible times I could take the class...and am slowly eliminating choices.  I like my classes being right after one another.  Well...I guess I haven't had it any differently.  I'm pro at planning them like that.  This semester may be a little more difficult...although I think I've figured it out!  But it totally depends on how the classes fill up.  Maybe other people will mess up my awesome planning.  I hope not.  Or maybe meeting with an advisor on Friday will change my views on what I should take...but I doubt it.  I'm looking at potentially 18 credits...which sounds a bit crazy to me.  But I bet I can do it.  

Here are the potential classes:
  • English 2010 - have to take it matter what...might as well get it over with
  • FCHD 1500 - Human Development Across the Lifespan.  Required for ElEd.  And a bunch of other really no harm in taking it
  • ELED 1010 - Orientation to Elementary Education.  Also required for ElEd...go figure.  Hopefully I can decide for sure if I want to be a teacher or not
  • PHYS 1200 - Physics.  Required for ElEd too.  Sounds like death.
  • CS 1400 - it's a computer class.  Hopefully it won't be as disappointing as my last computer class.  It's a venue I've wanted to explore...and my last few classes have been discouraging because of teachers who don't teach.  I'm hoping this will be different.  I'm hoping I'll learn something, anything new.
  • And then I want to take some sort of PE class.  Nothing too intense...just something fun
It'll be intense.  It'll be busy.  But a busy life is much better than a dull one!  I guess I'll just have to wait until the end of August when school starts up again to see how things play out :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Being Nice's Sunday night...or Monday morning...however you want to look at it.  My sleep patterns are already way messed up so I might as well do something "productive" with my time.

Being nice.  What a novel concept.  Apparently it must be somewhat rare in the world.

I can make cupcakes and share them just because.
I can make my roommates dinner while they play a game.
I can get medicine and make soup for a sick friend.
I can do a sink full of dishes, even if they're not mine.
I can say thank you to the bus driver and tell them to have a good day.
I can take people to the store when they need food.
I can catch a friend up on what they missed in class.
I can ask someone how their day was.
I can clean up, even if it's not my responsibility.
I can listen to someone who is having a rough day.
I can listen to someone who is having a great day.
I can say thank you.
I can compliment someone.
I can be nice.
I can care.

I can do these things (and many others) without having any ulterior motives.  I don't expect anything in return.  Some people say I'm too nice.  It's just who I am.  I enjoy seeing other people happy.  Some people just don't understand that I guess.  They think I need a reason or a motive.  I don't.  Well, I guess I do.  It's just not the reasons they expect.

Sometimes being nice is what is needed to flip their day, or even their week, around.  Most of the time you have no idea what a person is truly going through.  It just might be you don't know that person on that personal of a level.  Or it may be you can't truly feel or think what someone else feels and thinks.  We're unique.  I hope that I'm adding to their team, helping them push forward, closer to a victory.

A kind word or action really does make a difference.  I've seen it in my own life.  I hope I can pass their kindness on.  It wasn't anything extraordinary...but even the little things are important.

What nice things have people done for you?  What have you done for others?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

odds and ends

Lately life has been busy.  Nothing too exciting...but here's what I've been up to:

  • 3 tests in the past week and a half.  And I got a 91, 92, and a 96 on them.  Who knows how I managed to pull that off...but I'm not complaining :)
  • Assigning the roommates a day to attend Humanities.  Most days are a joke and going is pointless.
    • I go Monday...nothing happens.  That class is a joke.
    • Wednesday- Katie goes.  I stay home to finish studying for my sociology test.  They do an in-class quiz and the teacher gives them all the answers. That quiz will get them out of taking the next take-home test. Ugh.
    • Friday- Kylee goes.  I think about going...but sleep sounds so much better since I'm sick.  Conover decides that our class is going to do in-class response papers.  Looks like I won't be ditching anymore.
    • At the start of the semester Katie, Kylee, Kevin, and I were really good about going.  As time went on Kylee and I were pretty good about going (Katie was too...but not quite as good as me and Ky).
    • About a month ago Conover said she wouldn't take attendance anymore because she doesn't like seeing sour faces or something like that and that she doesn't care if we come to class anymore.  So we took that as an invitation to not attend class as dedicatedly (although we still try to get at least one person to go).  Now, she probably said it out of frustration/irritation...but still.
  • Not having to go down to Bountiful for work at all this past week.  Hello money not used for gas :)
  •'s snowed pretty much all day for the past 3+ days.  It's looked gorgeous outside.  But, I'm kinda sick of walking through it while it's snowing.  Although my eyes may be a fan my hair is not
  • Go with the roommates to see people from Biggest Loser (here) and work out with them (here)
  • People reading too much into me being nice.  I can be nice for the sake of being nice.
  • Being sick.  I think it started hitting Wednesday...but I couldn't really tell until Friday.  Last night was not too great on the being sick front...but it didn't keep me home.  I think it's just a cold, but throw a sinus headache (I think) and it is no bueno.  Luckily Tylenol helped...guess I'll be going to get cold medicine tomorrow.
  • Realizing things about myself.
  • Realizing that even though I have the most difficulty getting along with Steph out of all my siblings...I'm going to miss her when she gets married and she and the girls move out.  Ogden's not far...but it's not as close as downstairs.
  • My to-do list!  It's not all that impressive...but
    •  I've gotten the appointments I needed set up
    • I replanted Spencer (the name stuck) in a bigger pot.  Hopefully he's happy and will start growing bigger.  He had some thick roots.  He now lives in a bigger, happy yellow container.
    • I cleaned up my room. It usually just consists of putting my clothes away and it looks much better
    • Acing my tests
  • Hanging out with people.  Well...people pretty much consists of my roommates (minus one most the time) and the boys across the hall...and sometimes other random people added in.  A lot of nights we stay up way too late.  Here's what we like to do
    • Watch Tangled
    • Play card games
    • Play Mexican Train
    • Go bowling
      • Sorry.  Tangent.  Why do I always do worse my second game?  Everyone else improves.  I, however, do not.  My first game I tied for second place at 101 out of nine of us.  (I broke 100!!! without bumpers even!) :)  Second game...I don't remember my score...but it was like in the 70s.  It was the worst score out of people who bowled seriously.  Oh well.
    • Watch The Mask of Zorro (I think that's the one...if not..some Zorro movie)
    • Make and eat brownies
    • "Do homework" aka sit in the hall and get next to nothing accomplished
    • Plan exciting adventures for next weekend.  Hello Lava Hot Springs and Lagoon.
    • Any other exciting or non-exciting things we decide to do
Yeah...that's pretty much what my past few days have consisted of. 
Oh.  And here's a dinosaur.  Just because I like them.
Oh.  And here's a dinosaur.  Just because I like them.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Workout with Brett!

So Thursday night the girls and I went to Mount Logan Middle School.  Why might you ask?  To work out with Brett of course!  Wednesday night they were handing out cards that said they were holding the class and we thought we would give it a shot.  As we were leaving the apartment we saw the boys across the hall and Janie told them, "Don't be surprised if we come back super models!"

So we show up in our lovely workout attire and wait (we got there early + they were running late).  Finally, everyone shows up (and by everyone I mean Brett, Deni, Sarah, Justin, Moses, and Kaylee) and we begin.

Now...I'm not really a huge fan of working out.  Growing up it was never something I really excelled at compared to others, (and yes, I know I shouldn't compare myself, but, especially as a kid, it's practically inevitable), so I didn't really find enjoyment in something I sucked at.

Brett was a different story.  Now, we all know Brett is a beautiful human being.  As one of my neighbors said, "Brett is so easy on the eyes." :)  And, we were lucky enough to be close to the front.  He kept walking around and would pause and workout by people.  I probably could have reached out and touched him six or seven times.  You're jealous, I know.

But, his beauty was not what made the workout enjoyable.  (Did I just use workout and enjoyable next to each other?)  I just don't think I've done anything that was quite his method before.  We did a lot of punching and kicking.  He used jumping jacks a lot to transition.  There was some stuff that I don't remember what he called it...and then there were lunges and squats (Booty time! haha).  Plus, it was nice that everyone could work at their own level.  There was a broad range of people - from those who look like they work out every day to those who look like they've never worked out a day in their life, but are ready for a change.

All my roommates were really glad we went!  We had tons of fun.  It really didn't feel like we spent an hour or so, but we did.  We (may or) may not have come back as super models, but we did come back in super awesome moods :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Biggest Loser!

umm...yeah I've been on kinda a posting binge lately.  Sorry.  But this is actually blog worthy.

So.  Tonight we went to Golden Corral (not for the food...btw their food sucks).  We went to see some of the Biggest Loser contestants!  Most of us watch the show not quite religiously...but pretty close (I'm still a few episodes behind...thank goodness for Hulu!)  We thought it would be fun to go meet everyone...and it was!

My roommates made it a priority to see Brett.  They're in love with him...
Looks like we'll be going to work out with him tomorrow night.
I would have loved to have a chance to talk to Kaylee.  She seems like she'd be pretty cool.
But...instead of getting to talk to Kaylee we were pulled over to Austin!
Courtney was pretty cool.  She practically had her own little fan club set up haha :)
Watching Janie greet her was pretty fabulous too.
So...we all want Moses for our dad.
So this picture...I was creeper mcgee.
"Oh you guys are adorable!  Can I get a picture of you two together?!"
and then they invited me to be in it haha...
Arthur.  Definitely my favorite to talk to.  He was so personable and fun.
"Hey pretty ladies!  You're not coming to see me?!" (we were in line for Moses)
Then later... "How could anyone not like this?  You get to hug pretty ladies all night"  Or something to that extent...But...he also has to listen to weird people tell him their whole life story.  Luckily we fall into the pretty ladies category :)
Deni is so tiny.  She has lost a lot of weight.  She looks good though!
And...she stole our water.  But it's cool.

And here's Sarah....and Shayna is standing next to me...but you wouldn't know that from this picture.
Justin was there too...but we didn't take a picture with him.

All these people looked so good!  It's so neat to watch people change their lives.  And the funny thing is I don't even know these people...but you can't help to be anything but happy for them.  Even with all their hard work I don't think most of them fit society's ideal of "perfect," but I think that's part of what makes them real.

It's weird to find out the random connections to these people too.  I went to high school with Deni's son.  My sister worked at Spanky's during high school with Sarah.  Moses fixed Shayna's garage door.  Kylee has seen Justin and Rulon at Macey's while working.  Janie's sister went to something...I don't remember what...but apparently learned a lot about the show from Rulon.  So now I know Rulon's opinion on the show and who is in the final four.

But and my roommates are dorky, but we had lots of fun.

Peace out Chuck Wood

Monster's Inc 2!

In case you didn't already know...there's going to be Monster's Inc. 2 (well....actually it's called Monsters University)!  It's not going to be released until June 2013, I think... (originally November 2012).  But isn't it exciting?!  From the looks of things it's going to be a prequel not a sequel....but we know that everyone loved the original and wanted another movie.  

On a side note...last night was an interesting night.  Nothing huge...just stuff I didn't expect.

Anywho...peace out chuck wood 
(p.s. I'm not completely retarded :) it's a family saying.  as is "seizure later"...but this one's more acceptable haha)
(p.p.s. be prepared for changes in the near future.  I'm sick of the pink...)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

then and now

then = last summer
now = today (April)
Usually when a person looks through pictures, it triggers memories.  Sometimes if they're just of yourself, you don't really remember what was going on in your life.  It's not a fun trip to California.  It's not playing at a park.  It's sitting home being bored.  I remembered I took this picture last summer, so I looked at the date.  The exact date it was taken kind of surprised me.  Of all the days of summer, it had to be the one I remember the most.  Weird.

Then Kelly and Now Kelly are very different.  No it's not just the hair color or length.  It's not the clothes.
Well. . .those things ARE different. . .but it's not just the outside that has changed.  Inside has changed too.  I could name off a few huge things, but. . .well. . .the Internet is a very public place.
Here is a vague list:
  • I've learned lots of new things.  What about you may ask?  The topics are endless.
    • school -  arts and music, psychology, sociology, humanities, history, horticulture (plants), nutrition, chemistry, balancing work and family, and computers. . .actually, scratch that.  I learned nothing in my computer class
    • people - so many things...but we'll leave it at that
    • cooking, cleaning, living life away from home
    • me - probably the biggest and most important one
Okay. . . so I thought my list would be bigger. . .I guess that's what I get for not going into detail about each thing.  Never would I want to go back and relive the past nine or so months.  I have had some great times, I admit.  But the memories suffice.  Sure, some of the things sucked to learn, but the best way to learn is by living through something.  When you read, see, or hear about an experience it doesn't mean as much.  And it doesn't stick with you.  They say hindsight is 20/20.  Who knows when something will become completely 20/20. . .but each day it becomes a little clearer.

With experience comes wisdom (haha I had to google the difference between knowledge and wisdom...I've gained knowledge too!)  And with all this wisdom and knowledge comes a happier Kelly.  At least as of lately :)

Peace out Chuck Wood

Monday, April 4, 2011


Last night my family was sitting at the dinner table and my sister showed us a YouTube video...and then we realized BeeBee890 has over 2800 videos!  That could keep me entertained for hours!  It was great having a night full of laughter with the family.

It started with this. . . .

Then progressed to this. . . .

And I found this gem today.  It's my favorite.  My roommates asked me why I was laughing so I showed them.

Here is a link to his YouTube page ----> here

Disclaimer:  We aren't trying to be rude or mean.  In my opinion he makes the videos for his enjoyment and enjoys that other people receive enjoyment from them too.  He is awesome that he can overlook the negative comments and continue doing what he loves.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Me?!  engaged?!  NOPE! :) are my siblings when they got engaged. . .

Couple #1 is engaged as of tonight (and it's not an April Fools joke!)  

Now...I could be sad.  I'm not getting married.  I'm nowhere near close.  BUT. . . .I'm not even twenty!  I still have plenty of life ahead of me.  In fact, I don't WANT to be married, or even engaged right now.  Girls that can get married at 19...good for you!  I'm not going to join that club.  I'll go join the "I love dinosaurs" or "I work at 8 tomorrow morning" or "I think I rocked all my tests this week" club.  Or maybe all of the above.

Anywho. . . .congratulations Steph and Eric!
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